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A.S.I. Available Programs:

  1. A.S.I. Open Doors Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)
  2. A.S.I. Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who Are Blind (A.S.I. LLC-OIB)
  3. Educational Coaching
  4. Other private pay services: A.S.I. Independent Living Services

A.S.I. Open Doors Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) provides pre-ETS services to Texas Workforce Solutions Vocational Rehabilitation Services (TWSVR) customers. Students with disabilities between the ages of 14-22 years of age are eligible to participate and prepare for future employment.

Trainings include:

  1. Self-Advocacy Training This training aims to aid individuals in developing self-advocacy skills, learning rights and responsibilities, requesting accommodations, requesting support services, making independent life decisions, and communicating needs.
  2. Career Exploration This training aims to aid individuals in exploring available careers, reviewing labor market information, completing interest/aptitude inventories or surveys, and identifying career pathways of interest.
  3. Work Readiness (Including Social Skills Training) This training aims to aid individuals in developing social skills needed for employment, developing independent living skills, understanding employer expectations, learning how to set employment goals, and learning effective communication.
  4. Counseling on Post-Secondary Training Opportunities This training aims to aid individuals in exploring available post-secondary options, reviewing the financial aid process, accessing accommodations on a post-secondary campus, and understanding high school vs. college academic expectations.
  5. Work Based Learning Training. This training aims to aid individuals in completing information interviews and worksite tours to learn about necessary job skills, job shadowing in fields of interest, and understanding roles and responsibilities in the workplace.


Students with disabilities who are potential customers for TWSVR, who meet the definition of a student with a disability, who are in the education programs, including secondary education programs; non-traditional or alternative programs including postsecondary education programs.

How We Work:

The trainings facilitate in small groups (1-6) per instructor where they listen, analyze closely, and involve participants to encompass the planning assistance and provision of services improving soft skills, employability skills, and communication skills to reach opportunities for success. Module’s duration is 20 hours each training, except the Work-Based Learning offers 30 hours.

We lead to the introduction on the journey to transition services based on students’ goals and needs in education, employment, and independent living. The trainings respect their individuality and right to make life choices with opportunities to be able to voice their choices. Our participants must express motivation to increase their independence. They will engage in self-determination and be motivated to complete our training; offered to compliment, update, supply the knowledge, and form aspects of leadership considering the desired future short-term and long-term goals at personal, social, and cultural levels. Each module is based on an integral aspect of each customer’s transitional goals and sets up a plan. It is vital that students connect the present to the future.

A.S.I. Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who Are Blind (A.S.I. ILS-OIB) program promotes independent living by encouraging self-control, self-help, and self-determination, by promoting equal access, individual and systemic advocacy. This program helps individuals get control over their own lives and regain the confidence needed to live independently. Skills taught include independent Living and Communication Skills; Managing Secondary Disabilities; Support System; Quality of Life; Adjustment to Blindness, and more.

Other private paid services available: A.S.I. Independent Living Services – ILS Program promotes independent living by encouraging under-served individuals with developmental disabilities with their transition plan into school or work environment, helping to empower them with knowledge on their rights to enhance their lives to become more self-sufficient, self-confident, and as independent as possible. I am actively involved in removing attitudinal barriers, promoting equal opportunities for persons with disabilities in the workplace, and the educational sectors to preparing for their future.