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A.S.I. Advocates Searching For Independence LLC proudly presents the milestones we’ve achieved throughout our years of service. Enjoy checking out our proudest moments below.

a group of people

A.S.I. team participating at S.T.R.I.D.E.S 18+ along with community service leaders from McAllen ISD, Workforce Solutions, and South Texas College.

a group of people

A.S.I. Director and Program Coordinator, Sonia and Stephanie, providing Pre-ETS services at S.T.R.I.D.E.S 18+.

A.S.I. staff participated at the Disability Chamber of Commerce-RGV event to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Representative Demerson along congratulating A.S.I. staff for advocating for equal opportunities of employment.  

A.S.I. doors handmade and detailed by founding director Sonia Quintero’s mother.

two children painting

A.S.I. Director, Sonia Quintero, partnering with Visionarios for a community event.

two children painting

A.S.I. team staff knowledge building meeting.

A.S.I. team receiving training from Workforce Solutions-Lower Rio education relations manager and student hire ability navigator.

A.S.I. staff attended the 47th annual TAVAC conference in San Antonio, Texas.

A.S.I. Director presented on Business Incubator for Individuals with Disabilities Project at Workforce Solutions Transition Coalition.

A.S.I. team celebration.

Program Coordinator and Self-Advocate Coordinator facilitating a self-advocacy training at PTI 18+.

The founding director, Sonia Quintero and Advocate/Chief Architect of the ADA, Lex Friden, at the State Capital.


A.S.I. Staff at the Resource Fiesta Event for individuals who are blind


Better Together: Think Inclusion Conference - Dr. Patrick Schwarz

Better Together: Think Inclusion Conference - Advocate Matthew Schwab & Addison Bortnick

Better Together: Think Inclusion Conference - Rosa Guel and Deborah Tomai