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A.S.I. Independent Living Services for Individuals Who Are Blind (A.S.I. ILS-IB)
Purpose: to provide ASI Independent Living Services for Individuals Who Are Blind (ASI ILS-IB), to Texas Workforce Solutions Vocational Rehabilitation Services (TWSVR) customers, preparing for their future. A.S.I. ILS-IB program promotes independent living by encouraging self-control, self-help, and self-determination, promoting equal access and individual and systemic advocacy.

How do we work? We listen, analyze closely, and involve our participants to encompass the planning assistance and provision of services, improving ILS skills, to reach opportunities for success. We lead to the introduction on the journey to Independence services based on consumers’ goals and needs in Independent Living, respecting their individuality and right to make life choices with opportunities to “Voice their choices.” Our ILS program offers various services in the customer’s home or community.

This Program helps clients regain control of their lives and the confidence needed to live independently.
A.S.I. ILS-IB provides the following trainings:

  • Independent Living and Communication Skills
  • Managing Secondary Disabilities
  • Support System
  • Quality of Life
  • Adjustment to Blindness.

A.S.I. ILS-IB program promotes a person’s self-sufficiency despite having one or more significant disabilities.
Goals include:

  • Living independently
  • Personal managemen
  • Home management Depends less on family members
  • Decreasing the need for attendant services
  • Decreasing the need for supervision of daily activities
  • Having more control of their lifestyle
  • Improving the ability to do daily activities
  • Improving communication with family and friends
  • Improving personal/social adjustment by doing favorite activities
  • Gain a better understanding of their vision impairment
  • Get back confidence they might have lost
  • Information access and technology
  • Information and Referral (I&R)